Case studies

Case studies

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Marshall Scott

Based in a beautiful grade II listed building, this luxury bespoke kitchen design showroom underwent a completed re-brand. We worked closely with Rooms Inc through the entire process, beginning with a new name - Marshall Scott.


  • Logo
  • Brand Guidelines
  • Homepage Design
  • Shop Front Signage
  • Vehicle Wraps


Marshall Scott Kitchen

Our process took us through the creation of a logo that denotes luxury and elegance. We then established brand guidelines, to ensure a standardised use of the new logo and design elements across website, social media, vehicle signage, shop-front signage, and printed and digital adverts. With the guidelines approved, we could roll out the new brand across a variety of medium, and be confident that any future work by ourselves, or by third parties, would maintain and strengthen the brand.

When approaching the homepage design, Marshall Scott had a clear purpose, and we worked together to produce a design that would highlight the range of options Marshall Scott offer, without being an online catalogue. The goal was to tempt people into the showroom, so the website must also give a sense of luxury, quality, and of the high customer service levels they could expect with our client.



Marshall Scott Brand Guidelines

Shop Front

Marshall Scott Shop Front Marshall Scott Shop Front Marshall Scott Shop Front Marshall Scott Shop Front


Marshall Scott Van Marshall Scott Van